Hugh Grossman's Schedule
Find out why, once discovering the incredible potential of day trading options on the S&P 500, SPY, we never traded anything else. Is it really possible to make 5% a day? You betcha it is! SPY is the most diversified, liquid, predictable and affordable exchange traded fund, enabling even the most novice of traders to partake. Seasoned traders also find it the most profitable, exciting, and fun! Forget long-term investing; we aim to be in and out within minutes. Take control of your own finances and learn to day trade options on SPY. We are the top experts at both trading and training. Hugh Grossman talks of his lessons from the trenches and how you can benefit. Find out why DayTradeSPY has one of the most revered and entertaining morning Trading Rooms. It matters not if you are a seasoned pro or have never traded anything in the past, make sure you secure your seat at this all-important presentation!
Show MoreFind out why, once discovering the incredible potential of day trading options on the S&P 500, SPY, we never traded anything else. Is it really possible to make 5% a day? You betcha it is! SPY is the most diversified, liquid, predictable and affordable exchange traded fund, enabling even the most novice of traders to engage. Seasoned traders also find it the most profitable, exciting, and fun! Forget long-term investing; we aim to be in and out within minutes. Take control of your own finances and learn to day trade options on SPY. We are the experts at both trading and training. Whether you are a seasoned pro or have never traded anything in the past, make sure you secure a seat at this all-important presentation!
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Hugh Grossman's Profile
DayTradeSPY, now a part of Eagle Financial Publications, was founded by head trader Hugh Grossman, a retired internal auditor for a Fortune 500 company. After years of first-hand experience trying out one trading strategy after another, he instead developed his own trading system centered around day trading SPY options. Mr. Grossman’s straightforward one-legged trading methodology is simple. He trades calls and puts, buying and selling in that order. No spreads, no complex techniques or long-term holds. DayTradeSPY is one of the longest, continuously running trading rooms in the world. In addition to the daily Trading Room, Mr. Grossman is the editor of three additional trading services called Pick of the Day, Signal, and Inner Circle which all focus on trading options on the SPY.