February 17 - 19, 2025|Las Vegas, Nevada
Questions? Call: 1-800-970-4355

Jordan Kimmel's Schedule

MagnetInvesting Insights
Using “The Magnet” Stock Selection Process to Build Your Portfolio
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 12:45 pm - 1:30 pm

In this session, you will learn how to combine stock selection and professional money management to maintain a market-beating portfolio. Jordan will show you how “The Magnet®” multi-step process can identify the top companies in each sector and market cap, giving you the knowledge and tools to potentially have an all-star portfolio working for you.

Ten Red Hot Stock Picks to Take Home*
Tuesday, February 18, 2025, 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm

This is the big kahuna – the MoneyMasters Course you absolutely can NOT miss while you’re in Las Vegas! Featuring Tom Bruni, head of market research at Stocktwits...Jordan Kimmel, founder of MagnetInvesting Insights…and Kelley Wright, managing editor of Investment Quality Trends...it will provide you with a “red hot” top 10 list of stocks for the new year.

They will include equities from a wide range of sectors – and stocks for investors interested in both income AND growth. Plus, you’ll be treated to a no-holds-barred discussion, with the experts freely debating the pros and cons of each other’s picks. Bring your smartphone, tablet, or pad of paper and pen to take notes, because you won’t want to miss a single investment idea you can put to work in your portfolio right away. 

Register Now to meet me and other top money experts IN PERSON in Las Vegas, Nevada!

Top 5 Benefits of Attending The MoneyShow

  1. Talk to Top Money Experts Up Close and in Person
  2. Discover New Investment Opportunities
  3. Get Live Market Analysis, Research Reports, & Hands-on Demos
  4. Network with Other Savvy Investors
  5. Win Daily Cash Prizes, Shares of Stock, & Swag

Jordan Kimmel's Profile

Jordan Kimmel is the founder of MagnetInvesting Insights, providing institutions and individuals with independent stock market commentary and actionable ideas. Mr. Kimmel is best known for co-creating two stock selection models. The most widely known is the Magnet® model which has been licensed to leading institutions including John Nuveen & Co.  

Mr. Kimmel is also the co-creator of FACTS, a holistic, unbiased quantitative measurement of the integrity of over 2,000 public companies. The strategy blends financial stability with good governance metrics for America's largest public companies. Mr. Kimmel has shared his market insights hundreds of times on CNBC, Fox News, and ABC News, as well as in Forbes and U.S. News & World Report.

Additionally, he is the author of three books, including The Magnet Method of Investing (Wiley 2009). Jordan earned an MS in Urban Policy Sciences and a BA in economics from SUNY at Stony Brook. He graduated from The Bronx High School of Science.